The men's “sweat shield” t-shirtis...
We would like to show the production of our underwear to all our fans. We appreciate high quality and would like to show you how this complete Czech product is born.
We produce t-shirts and other underwear solely in Czech Republic. Our supplier is well known producer Pleas based in Havlíčkův Brod.
Quality always starts with the input material. We use only first-class cotton that is imported. All other operations are done on the one place.
We use so called hose knit for our t-shirts, which is seamless pipe that is lately the body of the t-shirts. The knit is coloured in order to obtain our body colour. On the photo, you can see how it looks when almost the never-ending hose knit is coloured.
Then the packages of stained fabric are sent to the cutting room.
Here the knit is cut by the heat to pieces long according to the size of the t-shirts. Cut pieces can be seen in the picture. This creates very flat edges that do not claw and have a unique effect for the customer that they do not even show under the sleeves of the shirt, in trousers or skirts.
Knits for sleeves are literally cut by machines to the desired shapes. Cutting is programmed into a computer, at the same time optimizing the placement of shapes so that the waste is minimal. It is amazing for the layman to see how the cutting machine cuts a high layer of elastic material without moving the knit. One piece is like the other. The sleeves are sewn from the cut shapes.
The clever hands of our sewing women complete the t-shirts. They stitch sleeves to t-shirt bodies and hem the cuts with a flat belt of knit. The armholes of the vests are done the same way.
Each t-shirt is individually checked very carefully. The inspector pulls it on the tensioner and checks from both sides so that only the perfect pieces can get to the customers. Just for the idea: We have only 4 complaints about a defect that came from production for about 50 thousand t-shirts. That's a decent result, right?
Instead of our earlier sewn tags, we are now making much more modern and more comfortable printing of the label. Customer does not need to cut the tag, it does not scratch his neck and still has all the data available. This print is long lasting!
The result:
T-shirts are labelled and ready for packing.
T-shirts are packed on the cartons in order to make them look nice in the bag. It is amazing how fast and careful the workers in the packing room are.
Then everything is done and the t-shirts and other products are ready to be delivered to customers. We believe they go to the satisfied customers.
We look forward to you, our dear customers.
Hanka and Romana